Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Moment I Found Hope Was.....

So I haven't blogged in a while, and was trying to think of what to write about. Five minutes later I had it. I want to write about the moment I found hope. I guess I was looking for hope, because I was feeling hopeless that there wasn't another sole in the world like me. 


I was fumbling my fingers across my keyboard on my computer, on Facebook. I was desperate and determined to find one person with Auditory Processing Disorder. Having gone through middle school, and knowing how bad I had it, I just wanted some reassurance that I wasn't alone. I didn't want to be alone, because I felt alone. But anyways... I typed in my search box "Auditory Processing Disorder", I waited a few seconds, and clicked through some pages, and then I stumbled upon a group. Before my hopeful eyes was relief. 

Not only did I find a person with Auditory Processing Disorder on Facebook, but I found an entire GROUP! This, my friends, was the moment I found hope. Hope and understood for once. I posted something on the Facebook wall like "I had no idea there were real people with APD out there. I thought there was only like 4 or 5 people out there. I am so relieved. Is there anyone who is 16 with APD on here?" 

This is when I knew I was dealing with a miracle. I met someone the same age in the same country (yes I did say country haha) who has the same learning disability. Just like me. And as I talked to her, which was a lot, we both realized how similar we were. It was weird, comforting, and jaw dropping. "You're a perfectionist too?!" "No way, me too!!!" Lindsey if you are reading this, you are my miracle friend!!! 

Finding people with APD gave me hope that this thing called Auditory Processing Disorder will not ruin my life anymore. I can actually talk to someone about it who can relate. It's the best feeling ever. Absolute best. Experience it sometime :)

You stumbled upon my blog for a reason. My blog will give you comfort for a reason. I have Auditory Processing Disorder for a reason and that reason is to help you understand your reason. Everything happens for a reason.


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