I finally finished my junior year of high school! I am free!!! The last few weeks of school were a bit rough going for me to say the least. The stress of all the homework teachers kept demanding, final exams, and how I was going to finish all of that in just a short amount of time. I just wanted time to freeze so I could not be running a thousand miles per hour all the time. But now it’s done! I don’t have all that stress on my shoulders! Not only school being done has helped, but my new puppy has helped immensely!
My puppy’s name is Buddy. He’s about 14 weeks old now. He is a Havanese puppy, and he is literally my Buddy! My mom got him for me thinking he would help me with my stress, and to distract myself when I am feeling overwhelmed and stressed. I have to say, I never thought a puppy would help me so much with my stress! By me taking care of him, I get to watch this little puppy be so cute, and at the same time be responsible for him. I let him out when I get up, I feed him, I train him (I already taught him how to sit!-- We are working on “staying”), and I love him! He has been the biggest help for me, and I got a bonus that he’s really adorable.
Havanese dog’s are a type of dogs that get REALLY into their owner. They are a type that LOVES I mean LOVES people. Buddy is very smart, too. He acts like a little kid, and maybe that’s also why I like him so much (I love kids!). Havanese dogs don’t shed. Buddy truly has the best personality for me!
They always say that dog’s are a “Man’s best friend”. It’s scary how accurate that is. I promise you Buddy was the smartest addition to our family. I have a cat, and a yellow lab, too. But Buddy just completed it. He kind of makes everyone happier in the family. I suggest getting a puppy like buddy for yourself, your family, and your kids!! Again, emphasising how much help he’s given me, Buddy is My Best Buddy :). Let me know if you have any questions!